
Self Introduction, About My School & About My Family.

Self Introduction, About My School & About My Family. Self Introduction Self Introduction is one of the most asked questions in every sector including the schools. Now a days, it makes a common question for everybody and everywhere. A good self introduction reflects a good candidate. Hence it is very important to write a quality introduction. In this blog I will discuss about a quality self introduction.  Well, a good and quality self introduction will be one that focuses on the self and marks no error. A self introduction should be properly arranged highlighting the basic informations beside the common and extra ordinary achievements. But for the kids, a good self introduction should contain (I)  his or her name. (II) place where resides. (III) father's and mother's names. (IV) school and class if attends. (V) likings and  dislikings. (VI) strengths and weaknesses. (VII) hobbies and (VIII) ambitions. The way the question is asked:- Question can be asked in various ways. Th

Childhood Obesity, Causes & Solution.

#Childhood Obesity, Causes & Solution **What is obesity?** Obesity is the state of health in which our body accumulates excessive fat which causes a harmful impact on the health. It's the result of the intake of more calories than the requirement. When the consumption of  calories is greater than the burning of the same people starts obsessing. Increasing obesity leads to the growing weight. Once it was believed that obesity is the issue of high income nations. With the passage of time this notion disappeared into the smoke. Now OBESITY is one of the major problems of the developing and the develoed countries. In lower  and middle income countries it’s limited within a society or class or area,  but in high income countries it has no boundary.  **Causes of Obesity** As individuals we've a bent to rationalize our inclination to be overweight or obese. We often blame such things as heredity, or glandular imbalance, and while this stuff often do make a difference, the first ca

What is Future Tense? Classify future tense and discuss each type in detail with concepts, rules & examples.

What is Future Tense? Classify future tense and discuss each type in detail with rules & examples. What is future tense? The time of an action that will occur in the future is called future tense. In short, it is the future time of an action.  For example –  I shall play cricket.  We shall play together.  You will play with us.  He will be our coach.  She will prepare some snacks.  People will be encouraging us.  The boys will have run to and fro. Types of Future Tense:- Like Present and Past, Future tense is also divided into four subdivisions. These are – 1. Future Indefinite Tense 2. Future Continuous Tense 3. Future Perfect Tense 4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense   1. Future Indefinite Tense The time of actions that will take place in future is termed as future indefinite tense.  It is also known as Simple Future Tense. Examples include – • I shall come tomorrow. • You will read newspaper next year. • He will pass the exam. • They will beha

After-school Care - It’s Aspects & Importance.

  After-school Care - It’s Aspects & Importance What is After-school Care? "After-school Care" has been one of the vital segments of modern life. It started in the early days of 1990s and today it's importance is beyond calculation. The whole program is also known as " After-school Activity Program ". Earlier the title meant just the supervision of the students after the school final bell; but today it includes much more. The 21st century "After-school Care" encompasses a broader range of Social, Emotional and Cognitive Support; Academic Development; Promotion of Physical Health, Reduction of Juvenile Crime and Reproductive Environment for the children and the youngsters. Potentials Of After School Programs With children becoming the first focus of society, ways and means to make sure their safety and development are being researched. The Government too has pooled in to form a hit of such programs. Here are a number of the explanations why after sc

What is Past Tense? Discuss about the types of Past Tense and details of each type with rules and examples.

What is Past Tense? Dicuss types of past tense in detail with rules and examples.  What is Past Tense? Tense is all about time.  Observe the following sentences and notice the time of actions in all these sentences. We played football. You watched television. They enjoyed our game. You opened your book. Your teacher asked you to learn about past tense. Look at the words written in bold. What kind of words are they? These are some action words i.e. Verb, written in past form. Yes, this past form of verbs refers to the time of action which were done in past.  Hence, the time of all past actions is called past tense.  Types of Past Tense:- Past tense is further divided into four types. These are – Past Indefinite Tense Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense. 1. Past Indefinite Tense The time of all actions that occurred in the past is called Past Indefinite Tense.  Past  indefinite tense is also known as Simple Past Tense. It also includes the time of

Explanation of Tense & Present Tense in details with Rules, Examples and Use.

What is Tense? Classify Tense. What is Present Tense & Discuss Present Tense in detail. What is Tense? Tense is all about time. In the language of grammar, the time of an action is called tense. Types of Tense:- Tense is divided into three types –  Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense Present Tense The time of an action that happens at the present time is called present tense.  Simply put, the time of all present actions is termed as present tense. Divisions of present tense:- Present tense is further divided into four subdivisions. These are –  1. Present Indefinite Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 1. Present  Indefinite Tense The time of an action that takes place at the time of speaking is called present indefinite tense. It is also known as Simple Present Tense .  It includes the times of present activities, habitual truths, universal truths and regular activities of presen t. For example – I go. You go. We


NOUN & IT’S TYPES WITH EXAMPLES IN DETAIL 1. WHAT IS NOUN? All names are nouns. It may be the name of anything. For example Sun, river, bird, water, love, iron, happiness, book, tree, orange, red, sky, India, party, residence, school etc. Hence, the names of  persons, places, animals, things, feelings or ideas are called noun. 2. THEORIES OF NOUN:- Gramaticians have classified nouns on the basis of two theories-   Traditional theory  Modern theory. 3. TRADITIONAL THEORY Traditional Gramaticians have divided nouns into five types. These are- 1. Proper noun 2. Common noun 3. Collective noun 4. Material noun 5. Abstract noun A. Proper noun:-  Proper nouns are the special names of persons, places, things or animals.  The particular names of persons, places, things or animals are called proper noun.    For example Ludhiana, Mt. Abu, Brussels, Moon, Asia, Cambridge University, Mahatma Gandhi, President, Dr Sandra etc. N.B. Proper nouns always begins with a capital